
Critiques of Trials 

In this section we provide critiques of some of the published randomized trials of COVID-19 convalescent plasma. Some of these have appeared in the journals that published the trial commented on, but not all.  This section will be continuously updated. 

Letter to the Editor: Knowlson et al.

This letter contests the claim in a paper in Health Science Reports that claimed that the Emergency Use Authorization for convalescent plasma discouraged the conduct of randomized trials. The paper has been accepted for publication in the journal.

High-titre convalescent plasma is easier than ever to procure

This paper documents the high levels of anti-spike protein antibodies to the Covid-19 virus among Italian blood donors, the result of nearly three years of COVID disease and vaccination.  It is likely that the same would be found in US blood donors, indicating that it should be relatively easy to find suitably potent convalescent plasma simply by testing routinely contributed plasma units.

Convalescent plasma therapy in COVID-19: Unravelling the data using the principles of antibody therapy

This paper provides an overview of the effectiveness of convalescent plasma but differs from many previous meta-analyses and systematic reviews by critically examining studies in light of key biological principles of antibody therapy.  The authors (the CCPP19 leadership team led by Arturo Casadevall joined by colleagues David Sullivan and Danielle Focosi) show that studies that adhered most closely to these principles – treatment early in the disease, of patients not yet severely ill, and with specific antibody of sufficiently high dose – tended to show the effectiveness of convalescent plasma.  By contrast, the several randomized trials that treated patients already oxygen or ventilator dependent, or late in the course of illness, or using plasma with insufficient antibody, generally failed to show effectiveness.  The ancient medical principle that we must treat the right patient with the right dose of the right medicine at the right time is once again reaffirmed.

Ordering High Titer Convalescent Plasma for an Immunocompromised Patient With Active COVID-19

Resources for the administration and ordering of vax-plasma. 

Misinterpretation of Clinical Research Findings and COVID-19 Mortality 

The first 3 years of the COVID-19 pandemic witnessed an unprecedented pace of research that delivered vaccines, antiviral agents, and anti-inflammatory therapies that dramatically lessened the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19. However, some research findings led to clinical practice recommendations that were later associated with excessmortality.

Convalescent Plasma Evidence Update 

Slide deck: Efficacy of high titer CCP in the treatment of COVID-19, including its utility in IC patients.